How to Order Badges:
To order slogan badges, send the slogan you want on it. The badges pictured on the main page are available from stock.
The best way to order is by e-mail, attaching your picture. My preferred method of payment is PayPal.
To order picture badges by mail, send the picture you want in the badge and a description of what part you want in the badge, for instance 'head' 'shoulder' or 'full' for a portrait. If you want a caption, such as a pet's name, we can apply it over the picture.
Your picture will be scanned and will be returned intact.
Enclose a check for $3.00 per badge ordered ($2.50 if ordering more than 5)
plus $0.75 P+H payable to Michael Hoover and send to:Badges
6029 Malcolm Dr
San Diego, CA
92115Your satisfaction is guaranteed.